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Hi Hibiscus!

Hi Hibiscus!


Say Hi to our Hibiscus Tea!

One of the most significant benefits of Hi Hibiscus Tea is its rich concentration of antioxidants, which can help to protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, hibiscus has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, making it an ideal choice for those looking to improve their cardiovascular health.

But beyond its health benefits, Hi Hibiscus Tea is also simply delicious. The unique tartness and natural sweetness make this tea a refreshing choice that can be enjoyed both hot or cold. So why not treat yourself today? Try Hi Hibiscus Tea and discover the many benefits it has to offer!


    15 TEA BAGS

    Ingredients: Organic Hibiscus Leaves


    Pour 6-8oz of simmering water (212°F) over the teabag. Allow to steep for 4 minutes or longer for a stronger flavor.


    With the nature of the products, they will NOT be able to be returned after purchase. But if you receive a damaged product please contact us through the 'Contact' tab.

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